
All about searching

The initial search screen automatically displays:

Current location
Every couple of minutes the app will update the address of your current physical location.

Recently selected location
This indicates a place that has been previously selected but is not in the current route - or has just been deleted from the route. This can be useful to “undo” a place that was accidentally deleted.

When you start typing a new address a the current location and recent results will be cleared from the screen and the app will display other result types:

Contact address
If you have enabled the permission for the app to access your contact information then matching contacts should immediately start appearing in the search results.

Only contacts that have street addresses will be displayed

Previously selected
Places that have been previously added to routes and contain the search text should also start appearing immediately.

The list of both Contacts and Previous places will dynamically changes as more search characters are added: it is not necessary to enter full search terms and also the order of the search text groups is not important.

e.g. Searching for str bri will match both the following results:

 24 Straw Bridge Road

Brian Waters, 15 Parsons Street

Search result
Finally, when 2 or more search terms with a minimum of 6 characters have been entered the app will start searching the web for matching places.