Getting Started

What does your user need to know to try your project?

Working with BestRoute involves the following:

Searching for addresses

The search screen in BestRoute allows places to be added by:

Current location
Every couple of minutes the app will update the address of your current location

Recently selected location
This indicates a place that has been previously selected but is not in the current route

Contact address
A contact on your device with a street address (if you have granted permission)

Previously selected
A search result that has been selected at some time in the past

Search result
Places from the web that match the search text

Ordering and Scheduling a route

Drag handles
Use the drag handles on each row to manually re-order the places into the desired order.

  • If the route start is changed, the route automatically changes from a round trip to an A-B route

  • The last row in the route list is a toggle switch. When set, the route will be changed to a round trip, returning to the first place in the list.

  • Press the Optimize chip to order the stops into the suggested route order.

Taking a trip

  • Press the Start trip chip to start the trip.

  • If you are currently at the fiRst place in your route then the departure time will be set.

  • Pressing the Arrive button sets the arrival time of the next stop